the UCC Mental Health Network Blog

Welcome to the United Church of Christ Mental Health Network (UCC MHN) blog, The Journey Continues. Our weekly posts will explore mental health and addiction through the lens of our Christian faith. We will write about how our personal experiences affect our lives and how our spirituality supports our journey. Everyone who is living with a mental health or addiction disorder, or has a loved one who is affected by a mental health challenge or addiction, is on a journey. Together we can connect with each other and share some ways to travel the path of hope and wholeness.
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- Navigating Grief During the Holidays: An Invitation to Growth, by Sean Witty, MTS, MSThe holidays are a time of light, celebration, and connection—or so we’re told. For many, however, this season shines a spotlight on what is absent. Empty chairs at the table, missed milestones, or the ache of transitions in work and relationships can make the holidays a tender and challenging time. I see this as a… Read more: Navigating Grief During the Holidays: An Invitation to Growth, by Sean Witty, MTS, MS
- PRIDE, By Bishop Dr. Allyson AbramsPRIDE, By Bishop Dr. Allyson Abrams As an openly gay bishop, I have often wondered what many people feel about PRIDE. Often times when you speak to those in the Christian church, they have lots of mixed feelings about persons saying they have PRIDE in who they are. So what is PRIDE about for many… Read more: PRIDE, By Bishop Dr. Allyson Abrams
- Mental Health Tent by Kirk MooreReprinted from 2017 7 years ago I spent time delivering supplies and working at the water protector camps on Standing Rock Reservation. We brought firewood, clothing, sleeping bags, and food to the camp and we spent the day helping to build, distribute items, cook, clean, and do whatever else was needed. While we were at… Read more: Mental Health Tent by Kirk Moore
- Gratitude for a Sad Psalm by Rev. Dr. Marty KuchmaThe Psalms give us eloquent language to describe life experiences ranging from the highest highs to the lowest lows. It is hard for me to imagine a life circumstance that the Psalms don’t give words to in one meaningful way or another. Written so long ago yet so relevant in our lives now, the Psalms… Read more: Gratitude for a Sad Psalm by Rev. Dr. Marty Kuchma
- BENT But Not BROKEN by Bishop Allyson Abrams, PhDAs a child I really loved a creative toy called “Slinky”. It was a piece of medal that had been reshaped to form circles, creating a spring. These circles would allow it to go down steps, jump off counters, etc. It was an amazing toy. One day with one of my Slinkys I attempted to… Read more: BENT But Not BROKEN by Bishop Allyson Abrams, PhD