written by Rachael Keefe (reprinted from her blog) …let all who are faithful offer prayer to you; at a time of distress, the rush of mighty waters shall not reach them. You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with glad cries of deliverance. Don’t tell. Don’t share […]
The Story of the “Crazy” Son : the Prodigal Son through new lenses (Part 2)
Every parent whose son or daughter has left home in distress or run away from home has the same sick and sinking feeling in their hearts. Is she alive? Is someone out there caring for her? Is she dead in a ditch? Is he in a homeless shelter? Or has he found happiness and a […]
The Story of the “Crazy” Son : the Prodigal Son through new lenses (Part 1)
The Story of the Prodigal Son. We know this story – right? At least we assume we know it. Just, we assume we know the family living next door to us or our own family for that matter. But, stories we believe we know and love are often left unprodded, unchallenged and uninteresting. The same […]