The United Church of Christ Mental Health Network works to reduce stigma and promote the inclusion of people with mental illnesses/brain disorders and their families in the life, leadership and work of congregations.
We envision a future in which:People with mental illnesses feel welcomed, supported, valued and included seamlessly in the life, leadership and work of their congregations. UCC congregations have eliminated stigma, and their members offer true compassion and support for people with mental illnesses and their families. UCC churches are collaborating with other faith communities to widen their welcome to people with mental illnesses.
Board Expectations
• Know the organization’s mission, policies, and programs, and abide by them
• Prepare for, attend, and conscientiously participate in board meetings
• Aim to respond to UCC MHN board emails promptly within 48 to 72 hours when possible
• Participate fully in one or more committees
• Serve as active advocates and ambassadors for the organization, and fully engage in identifying partnerships and financial resources as necessary for the UCC MHN to advance its mission.
• Maintain confidentiality about all internal matters of the UCC MHN
• Utilize the UCC MHN Google Docs, Zoom, and other technology tools provided by the organization
The MHN meets every 4th Monday of the month. Meeting times are convenient for all time zones.
To join the board, please contact Chair, Bishop Allyson D. Nelson Abrams, DMin. at chair@mhn-ucc.org