John 13:35 “By this all will know that you are my disciples. If you have love for one another.” We humans are pretty darn good at making other people miserable. We scapegoat. We refuse to welcome the stranger for fear of losing our position in the order of things. We exclude, leave others out, and […]
Supporting Teens by Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund
Today a teenager is wondering how they will make it through the day. They wake up feeling overwhelmed. They wake up thinking “I just can’t do this anymore.” According to the American Psychological Association, suicide is the second leading cause of death for ages 15 to 24. How will the Church hold the light of […]
A Pride Letter of Support to the Not-Out LGBTQ+ Person
Dear One Who Has Not Yet Come Out, During Pride month, it can seem like everyone who is LGBTQ+ is out except you. And this can hurt your mental health like nobody’s business. I get it. And, you are not alone. In fact you are so very not alone…As you search for every link on […]