It’s vital that we all find time to practice self-care. This is especially important for clergy who are often in the position of being spiritual caregivers. This video explores this topic with practical tips on how to better take care of oneself.
Healthy Living
The Power of Rest and
Saying “No”
Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of Him to the other side, while He dismissed the crowd. After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by himself to pray… alone. Matthew 14:22-23 When I first began dealing with my complex trauma and the depression that […]
10 things I do for my own peace of mind
Of course this list isn’t exhaustive. And it isn’t a “you should do these things.” list. Here, simply, are 10 things I do for my own peace of mind. Maybe reading them will help you think of the things you do for your own peace of mind. 1. Play guitar I’ve written here about being a […]