As a young pastor on spiritual retreat with other young pastors, in preparation for 48 hours of silence, the leaders encouraged us to “shield our eyes” to avoid extraneous eye contact with others. At first this instruction seemed rude and unChristian. “What do you mean we can’t look at each other? Isn’t it mean-spirited to not look someone in the eyes?” I wondered. So I tried it. During my two days of silence I didn’t engage anyone else, I even “shielded my eyes” from email, social media, and watching television or movies.

Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund (she/her/hers)
Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund (she/her/hers) serves on the national staff of the United Church of Christ as Minister for Disabilities and Mental Health Justice. She also serves as senior pastor of First Congregational UCC of Indianapolis, IN. Sarah is the author of the acclaimed and best selling books “Blessed Are The Crazy: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness, Family and the Church“ (Chalice Press, 2014) and “Blessed Union: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness and Marriage (Chalice Press, 2021). She blogs at www.sarahgriffithlund.com.