I officiated at another funeral yesterday.
I’ve officiated at hundreds over the years. Each one has been moving and an important event in the life of those who loved the person who died. At each one I’ve been present as people begin, if in just a small amount, to process grief and start a long, unpredictable path of healing.
After some services I feel a sense of hope. After others a continuing sadness. After some I feel helpless and completely spent.
Today I am spent. I don’t have the energy to be profound or to look for hope.
I’m just emotionally and spiritually exhausted.
And I so appreciate the time to let my system recuperate.
Where do you find the time to let your system recuperate from those exhausting days, weeks, or seasons?
Kirk Moore is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. He's been a member of the Mental Health Network Board and is also a therapeutic musician, playing music at the bedside for patients - to help bring about the relaxation response to help healing. Find out more at therapeuticmusic.org